Canadian Hags

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  1. Finnegan
    ok, l'll get the ball rolling...

    l've decided that l wish l could vote for rick mercer for PM.
  2. duster
    Did you know he's moved back to Nfld? Apparently he can do his job from there just as well as here. And since we are now officially a "have-not" province, I don't blame him. Who wants to live in poverty?
  3. Finnegan
    no l didn't know that! l actually didn't know he was from there. guess l should do more research into my PM vote lol
    where does the 'have not' thing come from?
  4. jay
    Greeting's fellow canucks.

    I don't think much of any of the canditates running for PM

    My vote would go to this guy

  5. duster
    I can't see that pic, Jay...
  6. duster
    Well there have traditionally been "have" provinces (those that makes lots of money) and "have-not" provinces, those that are traditionally poor, like the Maritime provices and Nfld. The "have nots" get equalization payments from the "haves", so we're all a little closer in income. Very Canadian. Anyway, with the collapse of the auto industry here, Ontario is on the brink of bbecoming a "have not" province. And with new oil development in Nfld., it's on the brink of becoming a "have" province. A bit of role reversal going on right now, and the Newfs are really rubbing it in.
  7. jay
    Sorry Duster my computer has been acting up, think the pic is working now
  8. Finnegan
    ah! gotcha, duster. yeah, john deere just announced they're closing around here (niagara). hundreds of jobs gone. god almighty, they'll probably open up ANOTHER call centre, though!!

    yeah, the pic's working now jay.
  9. duster
    HA! That's where my vote's going. Bubbles for PM!
  10. theotherlondon
    I would like to vote for Bubbles or Ricky of the
    Trailer park boys but no we have some other guys
    soon on Oct. 14.
    The next couple of weeks should be good.
Results 1 to 10 of 350
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